OUr Mission: Love God, Love Other, Make Disciples
The first crucial step every believer takes in his or her journey with Christ is to BELIEVE. To begin a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, we must receive Him as our Lord and Savior. This is why we are committed to faithfully REACH people with the love and message of Jesus Christ as they take the step to BELIEVE (John 3:16). Those who have found salvation in Christ are called to allow themselves to be used by Him to reach out to others in the hope they too will choose Christ.
Here are some Next Steps you could take…
The second crucial step every believer takes in his or her journey with Christ is to learn what it means to BELONG. As we enter into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, we now belong to God and His Church. The deepest desire of every person is to belong. As believers, in Christ, we are adopted as God’s children (1 John 3:1-2) and become a part of God’s forever family (Eph 2:19-22). Therefore, we will RAISE believers to follow Christ as they discover what it means to BELONG to Him and His church.
Here are some Next Steps you could take…
The third crucial step every believer takes in his or her journey with Christ is to BECOME. To grow in our relationship with Christ, we need to discover what it means to mature in Him, becoming the person we have been created to be in Christ (Col 2:6-7). This is why we will RAISE believers to follow Christ as they BECOME who they were created to be. God calls every believer to help other believers grow in Him. We are called to make disciples who will make disciples who will make disciples (2 Tim 2:2). Kingdom multiplication is our highest calling as we seek to know God and make Him known (Matt 28:19-20).
Here are some Next Steps you could take…
The fourth crucial step every believer takes in his or her journey with Christ is to BLESS. We are not to hoard God’s blessing, but to be a conduit of His blessing to others (Genesis 12:2; Gal 3:8, 29). The true mark of a believer is not a disciple, but a disciple-maker, a kingdom multiplier. As a result, we will RELEASE believers to partner with God to BLESS others by advancing His kingdom (Acts 1:8).
Here are some Next Steps you could take…